Toast Levels


Every oak  barrel is produced after the order has been placed because every type of alcohol requires different level of toasting.
The barrels are toasted from the inside as follows:
Low toast, Medium toast, Medium toast +, High  toast.( LT, MT, MT+, HT ) .

Toast Levels

 LT     - white wines
 MT    - red wines
 MT+  - red wines and spirits
 HT     - will give you stronger whiskey effect,scotch,bourbon ,brandy

Heavy Toast brings pronounced caramelized, carbonized and toast flavours very quickly - it doesn't need much contact time.
 It is most often used in big, bold red wines.

Medium Plus Toast is between Medium and Heavy Toast. 
It has aromas of honey, roasted nuts and a hint of coffee and spices. It seems to be the ideal toast level for red wines.

Medium Toast has less tannins but more bouquet, so will impart more aroma than flavor. 
It has a warm, sweet character with strong vanilla overtones.

Light Toast French oak, coconut and fruit flavours.

For instance if you fill  a HT barrel with vodka after a 3 months period you will be surprised to find that the vodka has turned in to your own homemade whiskey.

For white wines and brandies  you may use acacia barrels .

The age of the alcohol is measured by  the time it spent in the barrel.

Before  filling the barrel with any kind of alcohol drinks fill it with  lukewarm water for about 24 hours until soaked and all eventual  leaks have stopped.
Then drain the water and it is ready for use .
When filling with water for the first time leaks are likely to appear and should not worry you.
This is normal as no glue has been used during the assembly .
You must soak in the barrel with water every time after it hasn't being used for longer periods of time.

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