Friday 12 February 2016

Lets make Beer Cocktails!!!

Ace of Spades
-          ½ pint   Beer – Stout beer or Guinness
-          10ml Kahlua Liqueur(coffee –flavoured sugar based liqueur )
-          20ml Dubonet (sweet, aromatised wine based aperitif – 15% alcohol)  
-          Ice
You can use any tall cocktail glass or even pint glass.
Fill the glass with ice. Pour 10ml Kahlua and 20ml Dubonet.
Top up gradually dark beer very carefully to avoid foaming.

Black Velvet
-          Sparkling wine or champagne
-          Stout beer or Guinness
You can use tall champagne glass.
Fill tall champagne glass halfway with chilled sparkling- wine (or champagne) and float stout beer on the top of the wine.

Black and Tan
-          Pale ale or lager
-          Stout beer or Guinness or porter
You can use a pint glass.
Fill a glass halfway with pale ale or lager and then add the stout beer or porter.
Pour very slowly the top layer to avoid splashing and mixing the layers.
(Tip: Use upside-down tablespoon placed over the glass )

      -          1 shot whiskey
-          1 pint lager
Fill the pint glass with lager. Drop the whiskey shot into the beer.Engoy!!!

Flaming Doctor Pepper
      -          ¾ shot Amaretto(sweet ,almond flavoured Italian liqueur)
-          1/1 shot  Vodka
-          ½ Pint lager
Use a shot glass and a pint glass.
Fill the glass about ¾ full with Amaretto. Top it off with high-proof vodka to be able to burn. Light the shot and allow it to burn. Drop the shot glass into a beer glass.

Irish Car Bomb
-          0.10ml Irish Whiskey
-          ½  pint Irish stout
-          0.20ml Baileys (Irish whiskey and cream based liqueur)
Use a shot glass and a pint glass.
Pour 20ml Baileys into a shot glass. Top up with Irish whiskey. Pour ½ pint glass with Guinness (Irish stout). Drop the shot glass into a beer glass.

Hangman’s Blood
-          ½ shot gin
-          ½ shot rum
-          ½ shot whiskey
-          ½ shot brandy
-          ½ shot port
-          ½ pint Stout beer or Guinness
-          ½ glass champagne
You can use pint glass.
Add all five shots into a pint glass. Top to desired level with stout beer.
Fill to top of the pint glass with champagne.

                           Enjoy your cocktails and visit our

                                          Barrels Shop

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